What is Fostering?

An Introduction to Fostering

Fostering is when a child or young person who is considered a minor would come to live with you for short term to long term period.

These are vulnerable young people who need to be supported, kept safe, need a stable environment provided by adults who will help them achieve the best possible opportunities in their life whilst they are in care away from their birth parents and families.

You could become an approved foster carer, to be part of a young child’s journey or for that matter many children who will navigate the foster care system within your region.

Fostering is both personally and financially rewarding. For some it will give them meaning and a cause to leave a legacy for young people who foster carers have supported. Some young people will move on quickly others young people could remain in foster care with their foster carers for many years, some even remain until they become young adults but will remain in touch with foster carers who helped them achieve positive outcomes in education, careers, employment or just helped them experience a positive life experience.

Would you like to do fostering?

if so, why not contact Brighter Fostering today on:

0113 350 9006?

There are two types of fostering

1: Standard Fostering

Standard Fostering consists of four types of placements:

Respite Care

Respite care gives full-time foster carers, parents or guardians a regular break, often for one or two weekends a month, or a week each school holidays.

Emergency Foster Care

Emergency foster care is for children who require a placement immediately due to concerns for their safety. Due to the urgency of these placements, there is usually very little notice and information before a child is placed with the foster carer.

Short-Term Care

Short-term care is for children who may require a placement for a time period from a couple of weeks up to about six months in length. Children requiring short-term care are often able to be reunited with their parents or extended family by the end of the placement.

Long-Term Care

Long-term care is arranged when a child cannot return home for some time, or when that outcome is anticipated. Long-term foster care may cease when a permanent placement is arranged for the child, or when the child reaches adulthood and becomes independent.

2: Specialist Fostering

Carers on our specialist foster schemes provide intensive foster care and support to children and young people.

Foster carers on specialist fostering schemes will be looking after children and young people with challenging behaviour. Read the section about Specialist Fostering for more details.

They will need will-power and determination. They are expected to maintain stability for the children through good times and bad.

The nature of the placements attracts higher rates of pay, as a reflection of their work and effort in turning around these placements.

Say Hello!

Do you have a spare bedroom, do you have a desire to give something back, why not drop us a message and ask us about fostering?

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