Busting the top five fostering myths

Busting the top five fostering myths

Over the last few months, we have had the opportunity to connect with many people in the local communities of West Yorkshire through our recruitment events. We have been spreading the message about fostering and how rewarding it can be to provide a loving home for looked after children.

Despite this, there are many myths that still exist about fostering, so we wanted to take this opportunity in our May blog to bust the top 5 myths and answer your questions!

  1. I’d love to foster, but I’m too old (or young!)

You must be over 21 to foster; however, there is no upper age limit. If you are fit and well and you want to foster, age will not stop you!

Age brings with it life experience and knowledge that can support you in your fostering journey and help to provide a stable and loving home for foster children.

Equally, we have had younger people expressing their interest in fostering. Younger foster carers can make a career out of fostering and can often empathise easily with young people in care. Ultimately, each child is unique, as is each foster carer. If you are interested in fostering- do not let age stop you!

2. I’d love to foster, but I’m single

We know at Brighter Fostering that each family is unique! There is no requirement based on relationship status or marriage.

There are many single people that make fantastic foster carers.

If you are a loving, committed and caring person, who can support and meet the needs of a child or young person, then we want to hear from you!

3. I’d love to foster, but I work full time 

Although fostering is a big commitment, with balance and planning, it is possible for you to continue your working life alongside fostering and people do successfully work and foster.

There are many different types of placements, for example you may wish to start as a respite carer and support a child for a period of 1 – 2 weeks when you have the time. If you’re work is flexible, we may be able to place an older, school age child in your care.

Fostering also comes with financial rewards, to support the child in your care and to reward you for your skills and expertise, so this may also help to compensate any time you take from your working life for fostering.

4. I’d love to foster, but I don’t have experience 

Although you will need some experience with children and an understanding of what it is like to raise children; you do not need any childcare qualifications, work experience or children of your own to be able to foster.

Many people gain experience with children through helping to take care of their nieces and nephews, their friends’ children, or through voluntary work.

We will also support you to gain the skills and knowledge required for fostering in our mandatory skills to foster training. Remember, no one starts as an expert!

5. I’d love to foster, but I have my own children  

Providing you have room in your home and your life for another child, then having your own young children can be a benefit! Research shows that fostering can enhance the lives of both foster and birth children.

Your current situation will be assessed to ensure that you will be able to care for a foster child without compromising the care of your own children.

The matching process will also ensure that any child or young person that comes to live with you is a good fit for all the family.

Now you know… what’s stopping you?!

If you want to become a foster carer and you feel you can provide a stable and loving home for a foster child, then please contact us!

The team at Brighter Fostering is committed to supporting you on your fostering journey and answering any questions or concerns you may have.

You can reach us by email: info@brighterfostering.co.uk

Or by phone: 0113 350 9006 or 07368594169

We look forward to hearing from you!

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