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Fostering | Brighter Fostering
I would love to foster, but I could not say goodbye

I would love to foster, but I could not say goodbye

Why the fear of “getting too attached” shouldn’t stop you from fostering

I’d love to foster, but….   

Our May blog aimed to address some of the common myths and buts that prevent people from applying to be foster carers. Now you may be thinking that fostering could be right for you and your family, but you still have concerns.

Our June blog discusses one of the biggest buts for many people … I’d love to foster, but I couldn’t say goodbye.

Throughout our June blog, we will explore why a fear of getting too attached shouldn’t deter you from fostering and why it may make you the perfect person.

When and why do foster children move on?

In some cases, fostering can turn into a permanent living arrangement.

However, most children leave foster care to return to their birth families, when the birth parents or their family members have received the support needed to enable them to provide a safe and stable home for their child. 

Alternatively, some children may move on to another more permanent home, such as an adoptive family or permanent fostering home.

Children may reach the age of 18 when in your care and you may support them to move onto independent or supported living arrangements. 

(NSPCC 2021)

How can I cope with saying goodbye? 

Saying goodbye to a child who has become a part of your family will be hard and your emotions are valid and understandable. We are human and foster carers will and should form strong bonds with the children in their care.

Being concerned about getting too attached is not a hindrance, it’s an asset. Being able to build a strong attachment with a child will enable you to attune to their needs and help them to thrive when they’re with you and in the future.

People foster for many years and say goodbye to many children. Resilience will come with time and through the knowledge that you and your family made a positive difference to the life of the foster child.

Remember – you are not on your own! 

Your support network will no doubt play an important part in your fostering journey. If you are in a couple, lean on each other. Reach out to friends. Talk to fellow foster carers about their experiences.

Your supervising social worker will also make sure that you are supported fully in both a practical and emotional sense, whether that involves training, taking a break or talking through your feelings.

“Do not let the fear of having a child that might leave deter us; instead let the fear of a child never knowing our love drive us” (Johnson 2022)

Let’s keep answering your concerns!

We would love to have the opportunity to support you through your fostering journey.

If you would love to foster but have those niggling questions or concerns, our friendly and approachable team are here to help- you won’t know until you ask!

You can reach us by email:

Or by phone: 0113 350 9006 or 07368594169

Busting the top five fostering myths

Busting the top five fostering myths

Over the last few months, we have had the opportunity to connect with many people in the local communities of West Yorkshire through our recruitment events. We have been spreading the message about fostering and how rewarding it can be to provide a loving home for looked after children.

Despite this, there are many myths that still exist about fostering, so we wanted to take this opportunity in our May blog to bust the top 5 myths and answer your questions!

  1. I’d love to foster, but I’m too old (or young!)

You must be over 21 to foster; however, there is no upper age limit. If you are fit and well and you want to foster, age will not stop you!

Age brings with it life experience and knowledge that can support you in your fostering journey and help to provide a stable and loving home for foster children.

Equally, we have had younger people expressing their interest in fostering. Younger foster carers can make a career out of fostering and can often empathise easily with young people in care. Ultimately, each child is unique, as is each foster carer. If you are interested in fostering- do not let age stop you!

2. I’d love to foster, but I’m single

We know at Brighter Fostering that each family is unique! There is no requirement based on relationship status or marriage.

There are many single people that make fantastic foster carers.

If you are a loving, committed and caring person, who can support and meet the needs of a child or young person, then we want to hear from you!

3. I’d love to foster, but I work full time 

Although fostering is a big commitment, with balance and planning, it is possible for you to continue your working life alongside fostering and people do successfully work and foster.

There are many different types of placements, for example you may wish to start as a respite carer and support a child for a period of 1 – 2 weeks when you have the time. If you’re work is flexible, we may be able to place an older, school age child in your care.

Fostering also comes with financial rewards, to support the child in your care and to reward you for your skills and expertise, so this may also help to compensate any time you take from your working life for fostering.

4. I’d love to foster, but I don’t have experience 

Although you will need some experience with children and an understanding of what it is like to raise children; you do not need any childcare qualifications, work experience or children of your own to be able to foster.

Many people gain experience with children through helping to take care of their nieces and nephews, their friends’ children, or through voluntary work.

We will also support you to gain the skills and knowledge required for fostering in our mandatory skills to foster training. Remember, no one starts as an expert!

5. I’d love to foster, but I have my own children  

Providing you have room in your home and your life for another child, then having your own young children can be a benefit! Research shows that fostering can enhance the lives of both foster and birth children.

Your current situation will be assessed to ensure that you will be able to care for a foster child without compromising the care of your own children.

The matching process will also ensure that any child or young person that comes to live with you is a good fit for all the family.

Now you know… what’s stopping you?!

If you want to become a foster carer and you feel you can provide a stable and loving home for a foster child, then please contact us!

The team at Brighter Fostering is committed to supporting you on your fostering journey and answering any questions or concerns you may have.

You can reach us by email:

Or by phone: 0113 350 9006 or 07368594169

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Here at Brighter Fostering we have been busy getting to know you in the community. What a pleasure it was to meet people at the Broadway Shopping Centre over the Mother’s Day weekend! 

As student Social Workers having the pleasure of being on placement at Brighter Fostering, it was our first experience of getting to talk with families and people about the need for fostering, we were excited and nervous!  

We hoped to raise awareness while being able to answer questions with confidence. We met some fantastic people who were passionate about making a difference to a child who need it the most… the most vulnerable young people in our society. 

Other events included a local job fair with presentations, lots of interaction and a week down at the Airedale Shopping Centre in Keighley. We have been blown away by the response we received from everyone, and very grateful for the opportunity. 

We have overcome our initial trepidation and have enjoyed the chance to really get to know you while learning a great deal. We thank those who have considered joining us on this journey to become amazing foster carers with Brighter Fostering.  

Student Social Workers @BrighterFostering

World Social Work Day! 

World Social Work Day! 

Brighter Fostering are proud to stand together with social workers across the world to mark World Social Work Day, which this year is on Tuesday 15 March 2022.  

World Social Work Day is a chance to shine a light and give thanks to social workers for everything they do to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable children, families and communities across the globe. 

The theme of this year’s world social work day is: ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´.  

‘Leaving No One Behind’ makes me think of why I chose to do a social work degree. Life doesn’t always go to plan. People from all walks of life can be completely left behind by any set of circumstances. People tend to isolate themselves from the support networks that are necessary to help them heal, when things go wrong. Social workers can be that driving force, a non-judgemental friendly face to help people move through life in a meaningful way. Social work recognises and values the growth of deeper connections for individuals and provide opportunities for people to re-engage not just with themselves, but with the broader community. 

Being a social worker myself, I have never felt left behind, and I know if I did, I would have a great team to support me through it. And that makes me proud to be a social worker.  

The theme presents a vision and action plan to create new global values, policies and practices that develop trust, security and confidence for all people and the sustainability of the planet. World Social Work Day 2022 will be a highlight opportunity for the social work profession to engage all social work networks and the community they work within to make contributions to the values and principles which enable all people to have their dignity respected through shared futures. This platform will provide a collective voice where social workers can have a say in the world, they want to live in. I urge all social workers to become involved in this global mass movement for change. 

Social work is an incredibly important and often misunderstood sector of society at large. Social workers the world over are integral in their contributions to their communities. Almost every sector of society has some semblance of social work involved within it, from hospitals to probation services, schools to voluntary organisations. We all benefit from the presence and work of social workers, and on 15th March, the world takes time out to celebrate the vast contributions of social work and social workers around the globe. 

Happy Social Work Day! 

Want to become a foster carer?

Want to become a foster carer?

Most people who have taken the first step to becoming a foster carer do their own research as it is not a decision that is taken lightly. Having some insight into the role of a foster carer is essential.  

In this blog I will explain the assessment process to assist families in making an informed decision about your next step to providing a safe, loving, and positive family environment for looked after children, where they will excel. 

What is the assessment process? 

Step 1: Initial enquiry  When we receive your initial call, we talk through the role of a professional foster carer, application requirements, and a summary of what fostering children entails. Step 2: Initial home visit Within 7-10 working days a member of our team will meet with you in your home to complete an initial home visit. Where we will discuss fostering and how it might impact your family and lifestyle. We will use this time to gather some basic information about you and your family. Such as where you have lived and a summary of your life experiences. The main aim is for us to get a good feel for you and your home environment, and to give you an idea of life as a Foster Carer and what you can expect. During this time, you can ask any questions you may have about the process. If you decide to proceed, the next step is to complete a fostering application form. Step 3. After the initial home visit  We often find that prospective Foster Carers find this part of their fostering application the most daunting. It is very natural to feel apprehensive about understanding the fostering assessment. But rest assure there really is no need.  After the home visit if Brighter Fostering and your family/household are happy to proceed, you will be allocated an Assessing Social Worker who will start and complete your formal process of becoming a Foster Carer. There are two stages to this process. The first stage will be about gathering references, medical checks, police checks DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and general safety checks. The second stage involves in-depth discussions about your family history. At Brighter Fostering, we run these stages together, so we do not delay the process for foster carers. The assessment process involves 6-8 visits to your home which includes a mixture of virtual and home visits. During this process you also attend a virtual/in person training session, which we call skills to foster. Your Assessing Social Worker will gather lots of information about you including your family life, your background, history, and about current/ previous relationships. Your assessing social worker will always try and make you feel comfortable. We also ask that you provide names of referees as part of this process; and these people will be contacted in relation to your application. Once the information is put together, alongside the information you gave at the initial home visit, it forms what is known as a Form F Report. This report provides an insight into you and your family; there is not a right or wrong person that makes a Foster Carer, no-one is here to judge as everyone has had different life experiences. That is what makes people great at fostering. The best thing to do is to simply be honest! Step 4: After the Form F is completed You will have the opportunity to review your Form F before it is passed to the Brighter Fostering’s Independent Panel, who you will meet with to discuss your application.  The assessing social worker will work through the process with you and explore questions the panel may want to discuss. After this, you will find out whether the panel will be recommending approval. The fostering panel approve all new applicants and will review your fostering journey annually.  Final point The assessment process is not just about completing forms and training, it also places a spotlight on your life. This should enable you to draw on your own lived experiences and give you an understanding of your core skills and strengths to benefit the children that will come into your care. As you may expect, the fostering assessment process involves an in-depth analysis; but this should not make you feel anxious. For many, it is the fear of not knowing what happens during an assessment that they find daunting. The aim of this blog is to help potential foster carers feel at ease when their own assessment approaches, by outlining how the foster care assessment works in detail. The journey through the assessment process can be enlightening!

BAME foster care shortage

BAME foster care shortage

Two-thirds of councils in England have a shortage of black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) foster carers, according to BBC analysis of official figures.

A fostering expert said this meant many children were growing up without a full sense of their identity.

Shaz, 18, who was cared for by non-Muslims, told the BBC: “I felt like I didn’t belong and I had to be white.”

Children’s minister Michelle Donelan said: “I’m extremely concerned… I think we’re letting down children.”

The BBC has analysed figures from Ofsted, which has data from 146 of the 153 local authorities that provide fostering services in England.

As of 31 March 2019 there were 54,870 children in foster care in England – 76% were white, 23% were BAME.

The analysis found 99 authorities – 68% of the 146 – had a shortage or undersupply of foster carers from a BAME background.

Authorities were deemed to have an undersupply when the gap between the percentage of carers and percentage of foster children who were BAME was bigger than five, and they had at least 15 children in foster care.ADVERTISEMENT

BAME foster children and carers. The 10 English councils with the biggest imbalances.  * Richmond upon Thames.

Until he turned 18 last year, Shaz, a British Muslim of Pakistani heritage from Bradford, had been in care for four years, spending his time in three different care homes.

He was never placed with a Muslim foster family and many of his care staff were white.

“It was weird because, being Muslim, I eat halal meat and I go to the mosque and stuff like that, but then when I transitioned into being in care they didn’t know what that meant.

“In quite a lot of circumstances they would give me pork and stuff but then I wouldn’t eat it and I would explain to them I wasn’t going to eat it but then I would get into arguments and it was like ‘you can’t force feed me’.

“It felt like there was something wrong with me, something wrong with the colour I was. I felt like I didn’t belong and I had to be white.

“In an ideal situation I would have liked to have been fostered by an Asian family because they would be more understanding and open-minded and they would know what to do.”

‘Extremely concerned’

Ms Donelan, who was appointed as temporary children’s minister in September, said: “I think that’s extremely upsetting and I’d love to meet him to hear personally about his own experience and how we can ensure that doesn’t happen again in the future.

“I’m extremely concerned about it because I think we’re letting down children and that’s why we’re making sure that we give a focus to adoption and fostering in general as well, because I don’t want any child going without a loving home and without that permanence and security that all the research shows gives them the best opportunity in life.

“It’s really important to a child that they have some understanding of their roots and their culture and their own identity for their personal development.”

Sagheer Hussain
Image caption,Foster carer Sagheer Hussain said non-Muslim carers would often call him for advice about religious or dietary issues

Sagheer Hussain and Fatima Gora, from Bradford, have been fostering children for 16 years and have cared for children from many different backgrounds.

Mr Hussain said: “We live in a multi-cultural society and there’s a lot more kids from ethnic backgrounds coming into care.

“We get a lot of phone calls from a lot of carers, white carers, and they’ll say ‘we’ve got this child in care, how we meet their needs, what do we need to do for Eid or what do we need to do for their diet?’.

“If there were more carers from BAME backgrounds they’d be able to meet these needs.”

Foster family
Image caption,The need to provide a safe environment can sometimes mean the child’s other needs are ignored, said fostering charity Coram BAAF

Fostering charity Coram BAAF told the BBC that often when a child came into care the priority was to provide them with a safe place and sometimes their other needs were ignored.

Dr John Simmons, director of policy and research at Coram BAAF, said: “Sometimes something which is so fundamental seems so easily to slip off the agenda, as other more fundamental issues, is there a placement, is there a bed for this child overnight rather than our duty and responsibility to make sure that child actually develops a settled sense of who they are.

“The child’s ethnicity and faith are fundamental to who the child will become and to ignore all of that really does put the child at significant risk about developing a secure sense of who they are.”

Source: BAME foster care shortage in two-thirds of English councils – BBC News

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